

Create a new project & push it to Git Repository

Create a new project & push it to Git Repository

If you are a beginner to Git then you have come to the right place.

Read More By Ankush Jain
How to refresh git branches in visual studio?

How to refresh git branches in visual studio?

Deleted remote branches are still visible in Visual Studio Team Explorer (Branches Section).

Read More By Ankush Jain
How to forcefully uninstall a window service?

How to forcefully uninstall a window service?

Sometimes, You may find that window service's executable has been deleted but the service is still present in service viewer.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Get list of all active TCP/UDP ports

Get list of all active TCP/UDP ports

Just type netstat -a in command prompt & press enter. This will print a list of all active TCP & UDP ports running on your machine.

Read More By Ankush Jain
How to split a string into array by another string in C#

How to split a string into array by another string in C#

To split a string by another string separator, we can use Split function of C#.

Read More By Ankush Jain
How to enable RabbitMQ Management Plugin in Windows

How to enable RabbitMQ Management Plugin in Windows

To enable web user interface (User Management Plugin) for RabbitMQ. Just follow 4 easy steps given below.

Read More By Ankush Jain