

Difference between Asymmetric Encryption and Signing (Digital Signature)

Difference between Asymmetric Encryption and Signing (Digital Signature)

I often get confused between Encryption and Signing as both processes use the public key and private key. So, I thought to write a blog post about it so that I can look up to it the next time I get confused.

Read More By Ankush Jain
The difference between Encryption, Hashing & Salting

The difference between Encryption, Hashing & Salting

You might have heard these terms very often – Encryption, Hashing & Salting. In this post, I have tried to explain you all these terms in a very easy way.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Difference between ASCII & Unicode Character Sets

Difference between ASCII & Unicode Character Sets

ASCII & Unicode both are character sets & both character sets (ASCII & Unicode) hold a list of characters with unique decimal numbers (code points). A= 65, B=66, C=67 etc.

Read More By Ankush Jain