
How to loop through a table variable in SQL Server?

Let's assume you want to loop through a table variable having the structure like below.

DECLARE @tempCategories TABLE 
  Id INT,
  CategoryName NVARCHAR(500)

To iterate through this table, just add one more column (Processed) in this table variable. Now the table should look like this.

DECLARE @tempCategories TABLE 
  Id INT, -- Make sure, you have one unique column in the table
  CategoryName NVARCHAR(500),
  Processed INT DEFAULT 0 -- This is the main column that will help us in looping through the table.

Important: Make sure, you have one unique column in the table. If it is Id then very good, else create a new one.

After that, use the below SQL.

-- 1. Declare a variable to hold unique column value of table variable

-- 2. Run code till even a single record is present which is un-processed
WHILE (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @tempCategories WHERE Processed = 0) > 0

    -- A. Select first un-processed item from the table variable
    -- Note: Here, you can fetch any column as per your need
    SELECT TOP 1 @Id = Id FROM @tempCategories WHERE Processed = 0

    -- B. Do some processing here with your custom logic
    -- Your custom logic
    -- Your custom logic
    -- Your custom logic

    -- C. Finally, update the table variable, set the 'Processed' column of the processed row to 1. 
    UPDATE @tempCategories SET Processed = 1 Where Id = @Id 


That's it 😊.

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Ankush JainSoftware Engineer

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