
Authentication with Google Account using OpenID Connect

In this post, we will understand, how can we implement Login with Google Account functionality in our web application. We will be doing this authentication using the Open Id Connect protocol.

Step 1

First, you have to register an application on Google to get a Client Id and Client Secret. Check out this blog post Register a Client application in Google where I have explained this process step by step.

Step 2

Open the Google discovery document in a new tab from the below link.

Google Discovery Endpoint -

A Discovery Document has all the necessary values defined in the OpenID Connect protocol. This also helps clients to configure OpenID implementation on their side.

If you are not familiar with Discovery Document, refer to this - OpenID Connect Discovery Document,

Step 3

Copy the authorization_endpoint from the discovery document, and consider it as a base URI.

Base Address -

Add below required query parameters in this base URI:

  • client_id- You obtain this from the app you registered in step 1.
  • response_type - Keep its value code, as we are using Authorization Code Flow. Click here to see all grant types or authorization flow.
  • scope - The scope parameter must begin with openid, then add email or profile or both. i.e. openid email profile.
  • redirect_uri - The value for this must be the same as you mentioned while registering it in step 1.

For all available parameters, refer to this Authentication URI parameters

So, finally, the constructed URL becomes like this:
&scope=openid email profile

Step 4

Copy the above URL and paste it into the browser. You will see a Google Login screen like this. Select an account and do the login.

Authentication with Google Account using OpenID Connect

Step 5

After login, you will be redirected to the redirect_uri that you mentioned in the above URL. Notice, that here we have received a code in the query parameter.

New URL - http://localhost/?code=4%2F0AY0e-g57VagfLYSg54NGBQbMKzSr-mknlsiMA7G1VqYm0Ns3eTvdxKfaYXY-UPJEkzSCgQ

This is because we have used response_type as code.

Authentication with Google Account using OpenID Connect

Step 6

Now the time is to get the ID Token and Access Token from this code. So, we construct one more URL to exchange this code with id_token and access_token.

Copy the token_endpoint from the above discovery document and consider it as the base URI.

Base Address -

Add below required query parameters in this base URI:

  • code: The authorization code that we received in the previous step.
  • client_id: Copy Client Id from the app you registered in step 1.
  • client_secret: Copy Client Secret also from the app you registered in step 1.
  • redirect_uri: This should be the same as we mentioned in the client app that we registered in step 1.
  • grant_type: Use authorization_code here, as we are using authorization code flow.

So finally, the constructed URL becomes like this

Now, we use Postman to make a POST request on this URL. So, as you can see, we have received both Access Token and ID Token in the response.

Authentication with Google Account using OpenID Connect

Step 7

Copy id_token and paste it on to decode it. You can see that we have got the following claims in ID Token.

  • email
  • name
  • picture
  • given_name
  • family_name

JWT is made of 3 things - {Header}.{Payload}.{Signature}. You can simply decode the base64 encoded payload in any language. For example, in JavaScript, you can use window.atob('encoded-payload').

Authentication with Google Account using OpenID Connect

Step 8

The final step is validating an ID token. Though we have received it directly from Google, still it is a good practice to validate the ID Token before we consider it genuine. Below are certain things that we must verify while validating an ID Token.

  • Signature verification - Verify that ID Token (JWT) is properly signed by the issuer. Google uses its private key to generate the signature in the JWT token. But we can verify it as Public Keys/Certificates can be found in the URL specified in the jwks_uri key of the Discovery document.
  • Verify that iss (issuer) claim in ID token is either or
  • Verify that aud(audience) claim value is the same as the Client Id of your app.
  • Verify that the exp claim has the value of expiry time that has not passed, and the token is still active.


In this post, we understood how we could get the user's identity in form of an ID Token. We have not used any third-party library or wrapper in this implementation to better understand how Open ID authentication actually works. After successful authentication, we obtain the user's email id in the claims and can use it to create a new user or login into the user automatically if exist already.


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