

Unable to install NuGet package as NuGet packages are Offline Only in Visual Studio

Unable to install NuGet package as NuGet packages are Offline Only in Visual Studio

You may be facing this issue when working with recently installed Visual Studio.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Insight on some .NET terms for better clarity

Insight on some .NET terms for better clarity

The primary goal of this post is to clarify the meanings of selected terms and acronyms that appear frequently in the .NET documentation.

Read More By Ankush Jain
3 Important Things About Backing Up Data

3 Important Things About Backing Up Data

Backing up data is important, but not that many people bother putting enough effort into making sure that their files are safe. The negligence should not be so prominent given how many different factors can lead to data loss.

Read More By Ankush Jain
How to Lazy load selected image using JavaScript

How to Lazy load selected image using JavaScript

You can use the below code to display the preview of a large-sized image when the user clicks on its thumbnail.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Amazon Leadership Principles Interview Questions

Amazon Leadership Principles Interview Questions

If you are preparing for Amazon interviews, then you must prepare yourself for the behavioral or leadership round of interviews at Amazon.

Read More By Ankush Jain
When should we use Signing or Digital Signatures?

When should we use Signing or Digital Signatures?

In signing, a Digital Signature is shared with the recipient. The recipient uses this signature to verify the authenticity of the issuer.

Read More By Ankush Jain