

What is difference between Debug DLL and Release DLL ?

What is difference between Debug DLL and Release DLL ?

If you are a .NET Developer then you must know that there are mainly two build configurations.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Top 10 IT companies in Jaipur that will pay you well.

Top 10 IT companies in Jaipur that will pay you well.

If you are looking for a job change and thinking to settle down in Jaipur, then I will help you a bit in this process. Below you can find top 10 IT companies where you will be paid well and also get healthy working environment.

Read More By Ankush Jain
SQL Server Error- Unable to delete the database user as the user is already logged in currently.

SQL Server Error- Unable to delete the database user as the user is already logged in currently.

Yesterday, when I was trying to delete my database from the web panel of GoDaddy hosting. I got this issue. I was not able to delete my database and I was being shown this message.

Read More By Ankush Jain
What is Long Polling?

What is Long Polling?

Long polling is a process where browser sends a request to server. Server holds that request and keep the request thread open until any data is available. Once data is available at server, it sends the response to the browser and closes request thread. Once browser receive the response, it initiates another request and the process continues. This is called long polling in web development.

Read More By Ankush Jain
Install MongoDB in 10 easy steps

Install MongoDB in 10 easy steps

MongoDB is famous NoSQL database. NoSQL database stores data in JSON format in text file or similar. These are very famous now a days and used widely because reading data from a NoSQL database is much much faster than a RDBMS like SQL Server, MySQL or other.

Read More By Ankush Jain